10 reasons to hire a home inspector for a new build

10 Good Reasons to Hire a Home Inspector for Your New-Build

Purchasing a newly constructed home is often perceived as a hassle-free option, with the assumption that everything is pristine and flawless. However, the reality is that even brand-new homes can harbor hidden problems that may go unnoticed without a comprehensive inspection. Here are 10 common issues JDS Home Inspection Services frequently uncovers in new-build homes, highlighting the importance of hiring a home inspector before sealing the deal.

1.Structural Concerns

Despite modern construction methods, structural issues such as improper framing or poorly secured beams can compromise the stability and safety of your new home. A pre-drywall inspection helps ensure these issues are not overlooked by the builder.

2. Drywall Cracking

Builders are generally in a hurry to complete many homes at once. Cracks in drywall tend to occur when a project is rushed and the mud isn’t given time to properly cure before it’s painted.

3. Electrical Issues

When builders are in a hurry to install wiring, they may miss open wire splices that could lead to an electrical fire. This is another good reason to have a pre-drywall inspection, so these open wire splices are found and secured in junction boxes before the walls go up.

4. Missing Nail Plates

Another common issue found at the pre-drywall inspection are missing nail plates surrounding plumbing and wiring to prevent you from accidentally damaging anything when you hammer a nail into the wall.

5. Danger Zone

Often the landscaping hasn’t been laid, and the work zone surrounding the home is littered with nails and sharp bits of metal that may cut right through your shoes or get lodged in a workman’s boot and scrape up your new hardwood floors.

6. Sewer Trouble

Construction debris and the weight of heavy machinery may clog or crush newly laid sewer lines. For this reason, it’s important to include a sewer scope with your home inspection and at your one-year warranty check inspection too.

7. Roof Damage

After the roof is installed, it’s common for builders and painters to walk across it while they are adding the finishing touches to the home.  Before the final walkthrough, it’s a good idea to have an inspector double-check that the activity of the workers hasn’t damaged your new roof.

8. Windows and Doors

Improperly sealed windows and doors, misaligned frames, and malfunctioning hardware can lead to drafts, moisture intrusion, and spoil the energy efficiency of your home.

9. Blue Tape Inspection

Before the final walkthrough, while the paint crew is still available, it’s common for buyers to walk the home and put blue tape on any cosmetic defects they’d like repaired/repainted before move in. On a worksite, chips in paint and scuffs in hardwood are common and new-builds generally need a lot of touch-ups.  An inspector’s eye will help you locate all these cosmetic concerns.

10. Other Safety Concerns

The inspector will alert you to common safety concerns found in homes of every age, like uncovered window wells or doors opening into mirrors, as well as uncommon concerns that may be specific to your new build, like a dryer venting into the garage or field mice trapped in the crawl space.


The three most common inspections performed on a new-build home include:

  • The Pre-Drywall Inspection – Builders sometimes cut corners.  A pre-drywall inspection checks plumbing, electrical, insulation, and structure as the home is being built, before drywall hides these important systems.
  • The Pre-Walkthrough Inspection – It’s not too much to ask that your new-build home is perfect! An independent buyer’s inspection will guarantee the condition of your new-build home before taking possession.
  • The Warranty Check Inspection – Builders offer a 1-year warranty on the major systems and components of your new build home. An inspection prior to the expiration of this warranty could save you a fortune on repairs and upgrades.

For greater detail on the three types of new-build inspections and the importance of each, check out my article, New Build Home Inspection: Why and When to Have Your New Construction Home Inspected.

The importance of hiring a home inspector when purchasing a new-build home cannot be overstated. While the allure of a fresh, untouched property may be tempting, it’s essential to look beyond the surface and uncover any potential issues that may exist. By investing in a professional inspection, you can safeguard your investment, ensure your safety, and enjoy your new home with confidence. As a buyer, you have the right to an independent home inspection before closing on your new home. The builder is banking on you assuming your new home is perfect and not exercising this right.

JDS Home Inspection Services has your back when you are purchasing a new-build. We’ll help you achieve the perfect home of your dreams. Contact us to schedule your upcoming home inspection today.

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